The experience of TITOU & DYDY x POWER QUEEN
, by Sally Zhuang, 7 min reading time
Power Queen Energie für jede Generation - Mit nachhaltigen und sauberen Energielösungen eine bessere Zukunft für alle Familien schaffen. Ob Sie das langsame Elektroauto Ihrer Großeltern, das Angelboot Ihrer Eltern, Ihr Wohnmobil oder den Elektroroller Ihrer Kinder mit Strom versorgen - wir kümmern uns um die Energiebedürfnisse jedes einzelnen Familienmitglieds.
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Mehr anzeigen >Die Geschichten unserer Kunden haben Power Queen zu enormem Wachstum und Stärke verholfen. Wir arbeiten mit verschiedenen Kunden zusammen, um nachhaltige Energie in jedes Haus zu bringen und die Herausforderungen der Energieversorgung in schwierigen Umgebungen zu meistern. Ihre Geschichten begannen, als sie Power Queen kennenlernten...
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Mehr anzeigen >In unserem Bereich Batteriewissenschaft bieten wir Ihnen spannende Einblicke und fundierte Informationen rund um das Thema Lithium-Batterien. Erfahren Sie mehr über innovative Anwendungen und Tipps für den optimalen Einsatz Ihrer Batterien. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihnen das nötige Wissen zu vermitteln, damit Sie die Vorteile unserer Produkte voll ausschöpfen können.
Mehr anzeigen >Anwender berichten über ihre Erfahrungen und Testergebnisse aus der Praxis und geben Ihnen einen Einblick in die Leistungsfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit unserer Lithiumbatterien. Erfahren Sie, wie unsere Batterien im Alltag eingesetzt werden und überzeugen Sie sich von ihrer Qualität und Effizienz.
Mehr anzeigen >In unserem Einkaufsratgeber helfen wir Ihnen, die Unterschiede zwischen unseren verschiedenen Batteriemodellen zu verstehen und die beste Wahl für Ihre Bedürfnisse zu treffen. Mit unseren detaillierten Vergleichen und Expertenempfehlungen sind Sie bestens informiert.
Mehr anzeigen >In diesem Bereich präsentieren wir Ihnen spannende Rückmeldungen und Erfahrungen von Anwendern, die unsere Lithiumbatterien für ihre DIY-Stromprojekte eingesetzt haben. Erfahren Sie, wie Kunden ihre individuellen Projekte nach dem Kauf umgesetzt haben und welche Vorteile sie durch den Einsatz unserer Batterien gewonnen haben.
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Mehr anzeigen >, by Sally Zhuang, 7 min reading time
We love adventure, travel and discovery.
More than a year ago we set out to completely renovate an old 1982 Renault R4 to use as our own small motorhome.Together we disassembled the van from top to bottom, learning about welding, chassis repairs, mechanics and even body painting.
When our new travel companion was back on the bikes, we had to think about a minimum of comfort. The old seats with holes have been replaced with new ones that are comfortable and will accompany us for thousands of kilometers. In the rear we built a large bed and some storage space so we can take everything we need for our trips and sleep warm and protected! We used recycled cotton to insulate the interior of our 4L Van as much as possible.
But in order to turn a 4L into a travel VAN, we had to accept some limitations. The goal was to optimize the weight distribution but also to reduce the overall weight of the system as much as possible. Recycled cotton has the advantage of being very light and at the same time offering excellent thermal and sound insulation. The wood has also been carefully selected and carefully prepared to meet these requirements.
We couldn't install an additional lead-acid battery to run an American refrigerator, a shower and a full-size stove. We had to scale back our comfort standards, but ultimately not that much.
We wanted to be completely energy self-sufficient without having to charge from a socket while traveling, so we looked at different solutions. The idea was also to use modern techniques for recharging energy and protecting the environment.
The answer was obvious: we needed a portable power plant that was as light and compact as possible. We chose the Power Queen 300Wh power station, which took the time to advise us and really listen to our needs. By combining this system with a 100W portable solar panel, we had a completely autonomous system that provided us with all the energy we needed for our adventure and the journey could begin.
But before we set off on our journey, we would like to tell you a little more about the powerqueen energy station.
The Power Queen portable energy station from Power Queen combines 300Wh in a compact design with dimensions: 23*16.1*19.5 cm and a total weight of: 3.6kg. That's an incredible power to weight ratio of 12g/Wh! Suffice it to say that this was THE solution we needed, because in addition to this crucial feature in our case, the station has the advantage of being:
The Power Queen Power Station can also be charged via a single input:
Very quick and efficient on a 230V socket, so you can quickly recharge your batteries when needed.
In our case, very practical, thanks to a cigarette lighter socket on the 4L if you're on the go a lot like we are. This was one of our main charging methods (besides solar charging), but also the most efficient, with a practically constant 3A charge!
And last but not least, the pleasure of using free and environmentally friendly energy thanks to some really powerful solar cells. We were able to achieve a charge of over 60W for an hour at dawn in the morning when the sun was not yet at its zenith.
So we ate breakfast every morning after we took out the solar panel and started charging our Power Queen Station.
But the question that really interests us is: did the station's 300Wh autonomy really meet our needs? And if I just say “yes,” you’ll tell me I only used it to charge my phone. well, not even then!
After all, it is not possible to provide continuous power to the equivalent of a camper van, kitchen, heating system or electric water heater.
But you will be surprised that we never had to use any other energy source than this during our 15+ day trip. That's right, we didn't use a household outlet or any power source other than the sun and our vehicle's alternator. and here is the proof:
We traveled in pure autonomy for 16 days.
We covered more than 4500 km and crossed 4 countries.
From southwest France to the breathtaking green landscapes of Slovenia. Past the beautiful city of Pula in Croatia and the entire west coast. On the way there through Italy, via Pisa and Venice, and on the way back through Milan and Turin.
We slept exclusively in our 4L, under the stars, surrounded by nature, mountains, vines and animals.
Our needs:
- 2 cell phones that we charge every day,
- Electronic devices such as cameras, an electronic cigarette, a walkie-talkie. In total we use maybe 100Wh in 2/3 days,
- A picture clothing,
- A drill battery (1 time) with the charger connected to the station's mains socket,
- and a 48 watt cooler that was powered almost constantly during the day, and we only ran out of battery once during our trip. It was a very hot day and our cooler had to run continuously for more than 5 hours, which completely drained the station. But after a one hour charge thanks to the 60 watt solar panels the next morning and a 4 hour drive where we were able to charge 40 watts per hour from the alternator, we were ready to go again!
We showered at campsites or in private houses and heated our food with gas bottles. So the capacity of the station was really enough for a 2-person trip into the wilderness, considering our actual needs and power consumption.
At the end of our experience with the Power Queen portable energy station, we have no choice but to say THANK YOU. Thank you to Power Queen for working with us on this project and meeting all of our needs.
Although this station does not have a huge energy capacity, its weight, dimensions and options make it the most powerful and interesting device on the market in terms of price-performance ratio.
After intensively testing it under test conditions, in the middle of the heat and for 15 days continuously, we are truly amazed at the robustness of this product and would highly recommend it to anyone.
If you are looking for something that is easy to transport, meets all your needs and is easy to use, then this is the product for you!
And a little bonus that changes everything: the customer service is really responsive and professional!
They're willing to answer any questions you might have and they're more interested in your project and your needs than you'll find anywhere else, so for that reason alone you should buy it!